Monday, March 5, 2012

How To Clean Your Water Storage Tanks

You have to clean and disinfect your water storage tank to ensure your family's health. Cleaning the tanks will prevent and remove the build up of sediment, algae and microbial growth. We should not forget that all water contains some solids. Even if not visible to the naked eye, solids will accumulate over time in water tanks. Regular cleaning also allows stored water to appear and taste better.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Water Storage Videos (continued)

About 2 weeks ago I published the first two parts of Water Storage 101; today I am putting up the remaining two parts of the series on how to store water. I hope the videos are as informative to you as they were for me.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Video: Water Storage 101

The introductory music to this two part series on water storage is pretty corny, however, the speaker in the video does give a comprehensive summary on how to store, and treat your water for long term use. This video is probably the best one I have seen offered for free, and the speaker does not even try to sell you something in the process -- can you believe it? Well, anyway, sit back and take pen and paper and note what this guy has to say on water storage. Total running time 18 mins

Part 1